Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) has been widely used to replace steel tanks to store both drinking water and chemicals. GRP lining materials are plastic composites made by saturating glass fibre mat in unsaturated polyester resin. It can be used to protect different surfaces like concrete, steel, wood and glass fibre.

Benefits of using GRP lining material

Coating your architectural products with the right products to protect it from the water leakage is very important to make it last long it will help you to save thousands of Dirhams in the future. GRP lining material or glass reinforced plastic also known as fiberglass is a product which keeps your water tanks protected.

GRP Lining material is permanent coating, which will last for a lifetime. GRP lined tanks are best for storing water.

One of the incredible usage of GRP is that it doesn’t need any maintenance. In Dubai GRP lining materials are widely used. You will get superior waterproofing solutions throughout the year. Doesn’t need to pay considered attention to the material all the time to make sure plight it is good.

GRP will not get dirt, or allow other organic growths so it can be left unattended to for years without any risk. But, after about 20-25 years it will be better to apply a fresh ‘gel coat.’ After applying, you can see a new colour because it won’t rot, peel or crack in any weather, so you will be getting another 25 years of effective waterproofing.

GRP lining material suppliers in UAE

If you want to know more about why GRP lining is important for your home or buildings or any queries about the current waterproofing about your home  call the leading fiber glass manufacturing company in Dubai, Greenline fibre.